Scicos > Demos

A few simple Scicos demos are available through the demos menu of Scilab.
You may also download examples from the book Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos
System-Observer demo
Start demo: The System-Observer demo is viewable by clicking in the main Scilab window on Demos-->Scicos-->System-Observer.cosf.

Super Blocks: One may click on the various blocks to see how they are defined. Now click on one of the Super Blocks. You see it contains a Continuous-Time Linear State-Space block, also known as CLSS. If you now click on it, a window opens up where you see how the corresponding matrices are defined. It turns out the matrices are defined by symbolic parameters (Scilab variables) A and B. Symbolic parameters are defined in the context of the diagram. Click [Cancel] and then close the previous window (entitled "System").

Diagram context: In the System-Observer window click on Edit-->Context. This is where the symbolic parameters are defined.

Run simulation: Click on Simulate-->Run

Source code: The Scicos diagrams for all the demos are in the directory $SCI/demos/scicos/
Snapshot of system-observer demo

Scicos & RTAI-Lab demo
RTAI-Lab is a palette of blocks and programs that allow you to design models that can be compiled for the RTAI real-time patch to the Linux operating system.
A Linux kernel that is patched with RTAI (Real-Time Application Interface) can run hard real-time programs. Hard-real time is essential to control systems where timing precision must be guaranteed with high accuracy (e.g. instruments, robots, etc.).

is not distributed within the Scilab/Scicos package. The RTAI-Lab source code can be found within the RTAI distribution in directory $RTAI/rtai-lab. It contains both Scilab and Matlab subdirectories.
The snapshot shows:

  • Part of the RTAI-Lib palette, which includes real-time sources, sinks, and interfaces to acquisition cards using Comedi.
  • Part of a model that interfaces to a device with 6 sensors. This model can be compiled directly from within Scicos into a real-time executable.
  • The xrtailab / RTAI-Lab Graphical User Interface program that connects with the real-time executable. In this case we are displaying only 2 data sources on the Scope and one source on the meter.
Snapshot of Scicos with RTAI-Lab

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