Scicos > Examples
Examples from the book Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/ScicosTo run an example, download the corresponding zip file. If it contains a single Scicos diagram file (extensiom .cos), then load it in Scicos and run the simulation. If not, read the corresponding README file.
Examples from Chapter 7:
- SIR model for Spread of Disease;
- Chaotic Dynamics of a Rossler attractor
- Sampled-data observer for a continuous-time state-space linear system
Examples from other chapters:
- Predator-prey model of sardine and shark populations, with fishing
- Discrete-time controller to control a continuous-time system
- Signal processing application (FFT on a sliding window). This demo uses a CBlock and thus can be simulated if a C compiler (e.g. gcc or VC++ on Windows) is available.
- Queuing systems (Poisson arrival process and an exponential service time)
- Neuroscience application. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone pulse generator model introduced in the following article: D. Brown and A.E. Herbison and J.E. Robinson and R.W. Marrs and G. Leng, Modelling the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone pulse generator, Neuroscience, volume 63, number 3, 1994.
- Fluid model of TCP-like behavior. The model is presented in: W. Michiels and S.-I. Niculescu, Stability analysis of a fluid flow model for TCP like behavior, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, July 2005.
- Interactive GUI to design PD controller
- Simple batch processing example
- Batch processing: using files for exchanging data
- Batch processing: using global variables for exchanging data
- Batch processing: parameter optimization using Scilab function datafit
- Inverted pendulum: animation and control.This demo uses a CBlock and thus can be simulated if a C compiler (e.g. gcc or VC++ on Windows) is available.
- Electrical circuit. This is an example of Scicos implicit extension based on Modelica. This demo contains Modelica blocks and requires a C compiler
Other Scicos examples:
- ECGSYN: a dynamical model for generating synthetic electrocardiogram signals introduced in: Patrick E. McSharry , Gari D. Clifford, Lionel Tarassenko, and Leonard A. Smith, A Dynamical Model for Generating Synthetic Electrocardiogram Signals, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 3, march 2003.
- Induction Motor: an induction motor d-q model contributed by: Umesh Rai.
- Scilab programs of the examples in the first part of the book