Scicos > Additional toolboxes and related projects
- Coselica by Dr. Dirk Reusch provides basic Modelica blocks for Scicos. Currently there are some electrical (analog) and 1D-mechanical (translational, rotational) blocks, which have been derived from the Modelica Standard Library.
- Modnum is an open computational library for the modeling and the simulation of communication systems by Alan Layec. "MODulations NUMériques" provides also some sets of interfacing functions and blocks for Scilab/Scicos.
- oooark This library aims at providing a uniform method for simulation, prototyping, and testing of autonomous robots. It also adheres to the object-oriented paradigm to ease system configuration and development.
- RTAI-Lab provides a palette with RTAI and Comedi blocks. With RTAI-Lab you can interface models to digital acquisition hardware and generate and compile hard real-time code. Main developer: Roberto Bucher at SUPSI, Switzerland.
- RTAI-XML. RTAI-Lab require a RTAI Linux full installation on both control and supervisor machine. With RTAI-XML server installed on the control machine, the supervising machine can use a simple Java-enabled web browser: JRTAILab is a Java Applet implementing a generic client for RTAI-XML.
- RTSS is a Robotics Toolbox for Scilab/Scicos (RTSS) by Matteo Morelli. RTSS is inspired by the Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB written by Professor Peter I. Corke.
- SynDEx provides a framework to formally specify and analyze real-time, distributed, and embedded architectures. With SynDEx you can automatically compile Scicos models into executable code for complex multi-component architectures. Main developer: AOSTE team at INRIA, France.
- Scicos-HDL is a tool to design digital circuit (CPLD / FPGA) systems. Scicos-HDL (High level Description Language) provides palettes for combinatorial, sequential application specific IP blocks that allow to simulate and produce HDL code (Verilog or VHDL).
- HART Toolbox. The Hardware Access in Real-Time Toolbox for Scilab/Scicos can be used to generate Scicos-blocks for hardware that have a C/C++ interface. The blocks can be used under Linux for soft and hard real time tasks (RTAI). Blocks are provided for DAQ (COMEDI).
- ScicosPowerLab. Toolbox for electric machinery and power electronics under ScicosLab.