Session 6: Conditioning with Synchro blocks

We have already seen that all the blocks in a Scicos diagram need not have the same activation time sets. A diagram containing time-dependent blocks, which are always active, and a block driven by an event clock is an example. We have also seen that a diagram can have two independent sources of events driving each different blocks.  Another situation that multiple activation times arises is when conditioning is used.

Synchro blocks are used to condition block activation. Specifically, a synchro block routes events received on its input activation port to one of its output activation ports. The selected output activation port depends on the value of the regular input of the block.

Construct the following diagram by copying blocks from the palettes
Conditioning in Scicos: If-then-else is a Synchro block
The If-then-else routes the incoming activation signal (in this case the events received from the clock) to one of its output activation iports. If the input (i.e. the output of the random generator block) is positive, it routes it to the first output activation port, otherwise it routes it to the second port. The random generator generates a random value everytime it is activated. The block parameters determine the properties of the random variable (Gaussian, uniform, mean, etc...).  The square wave generator block
copies its internal state to the output and changes the sign of its internal state everytime it is activated.

Set block parameters and simulate
      Select the Gaussian option for the random generator. Modify MScope parameters to obtain 3 inputs and set the display style to symbols. simulation result for Clock period of 2 is given below. 
The MScope display

Note that the blocks of this diagram are activated only at event times (except for the constant 1 block which is only activated once at initialization). The Plus (+) block is not explicitely activated by an activation signal, but it inherits its activation times from its input signals, and in particular the Plus (+) block in this case. In general, a block with no input activation ports is either active permanently if it is time-dependent or it inherits its activation times from its input signals.  In this latter case, its activation times are the union of the activation times of its input signals. As for time-dependent blocks, we have already seen the sinusoid generator. These blocks, even if they have inputs, they don't inherit from them; they simply are always active.

Modify the diagram as follows
      It is natural to consider now conditional events loop, for example a counter which counts and then stops at zero. There are however specific problems with that which we shall see here.
This diagram is not valid and the compiler signals an algebraic loop

The problem here is that in order to decide whether the If-then-else block should route the incoming event to the then port or the else port, we need the value of the output of the 1/z block. But this output depends on the event coming (or not coming) from the If-then-else block. This is an indeterminism which we call an algebraic event loop.

It may seem that the 1/z block, which is in a way a delay block, should break the loop. But it doesn't. The reason is that the 1/z block functions as follows:

The inside of the 1/z block

As we can see in the above picture, when the 1/z block is activated, first the content of the memory is copied to the output and then the input is copied to into the memory. So there is no immediate relation between the input and the ourtput but there is one between the input activation signal and the output. So in order to break the loop, we need to make the output of the MEMORY block available outside the block. This however is not possible in a regular block. That is why in Scicos there is a specific block called Mem (in the Others palette) which does just that.

Modify the diagram as follows
      To see the inheritance mechanism, two independent event sources are included in the diagram. The period of the second clock is also set to 2 but the initial time is changed to .3 (from 0).

This diagram has no algebraic loop and compiles
If we intialize the Mem content to a positive value, at every clock event this value is decreased by 1 until it becomes zero. From then on, clock events are diverted to else output activation port of the If-then-else block and Mem remains inactive.
Simulate the diagram
    The Mem is initialized to 10. The simulation goes on up to the final time defined in Setup of the Simulation menu. It is possible to stop the simulation when 0 is reached by connecting the else port of If-then-else to a Stop block (Event palette).
Scope output
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