Session 7: What is this Event Clock?

We have seen that an Event Clock is an essential element of any Scicos diagram. Contrary to what it may seem, an Event Clock is not a Basic Scicos block. It is a compiled Super Block. In many respects, a compliled Super Block resembles a Basic block, that is why we use the term block or Scicos block to designate both of them.

So far we have seen that a Basic block can generate output activation signals, we have in particular seen the case of Synchro blocks. The output activation signal of a Synchro block is not delayed with respect to its activation time (i.e. when it is activated by an event, it generates an event without delay; it just routes the event). But Baisc blocks in Scicos can also generate delayed events. It is exactly this feature which is used to construct an Event Clock.

Construct the following diagram by copying blocks from the palettes
    The Delay block (or more specifically the event delay block) is found in the Events palette.

Constructing an event clock using basic blocks
The Delay block has two parameters. The first one determines the delay between the incoming and the outgoing event, and the second determines the initial event firing (prescheduled). If the initial firing time is set to a negative value, then the block does not initially generate an event. This of course would mean that in the above situation, the diagram remains frozen in time. In other situations however, no presecheduling of output event  may be desirable. 

Set block parameters (delay=1 and initial firing time=5) and simulate
      The result is the following. Note that the looped-back Delay block behaves just like an Event Clock.
The Event Scope display

Now let us construct a block from our event clock.

Modify the diagram as follows

This diagram cannot be simulated

The above diagram is not a Scicos diagram, it is more like the inside of a Super Block. But our intention here is not to simulate but to convert this into to a block, i.e., to compile the Super Block. 

Save as Interfacing (GUI) function under the name myclk
    This can be done using the Save as Interf. Func. in the Diagram menu.
    Each block in Scicos has an Interfacing (or GUI) function. This Scilab function determines all the properties of the block (size, color, parameters, user interface, initial condition,...) and the name of the computational function which defines the mathematical properties of the block (for example it computes the output from the input). The computational function is usually written in C or fortran for simulation efficiency, but it can also be written in Scilab.  The interfacing function is always a Scilab function.

    Saving the diagram,  as an Interfacing function, creates the interfacing function associated with a block which would include the diagram. The number of inputs and outputs of the block are determined by the number of input output ports in the diagram (both regular and activation), etc...

Load the new block in an empty diagram
    Use the button Add new block of the Edit menu.
This is a custom made event clock

The parameters of a compiled Super Block block are just the union of all the parameters of the blocks within it. When compiling the Super Block, the Interfacing function is generated in such way that when the block is clicked upon after open/set, the parameters of the blocks within the Super Block can be set one after the other. In some cases that can be tedious. To customize the user interface, the Interfacing function should be edited manually.

Ready to go on?
 Yes, I am ready for Session 8
 No, I want to go back 

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