function block=tkscaleblk(block,flag) // Copyright INRIA blknb=string(curblock()) if flag==4 then cur=%cpr.corinv(curblock()) if size(cur,'*')==1 then // open widget only if the block // is in main Scicos editor window o=scs_m.objs(cur).graphics.orig; sz=scs_m.objs(cur) pos=point2pixel(1000,o) pos(1)=pos(1)+width2pixel(1000,sz(1)) // widget position geom='wm geometry $w +'+string(pos(1))+'+'+ string(pos(2)); titled=block.label if titled==[] then titled="TK source",end tit='wm title $w Scale'+blknb // write block label bounds=block.rpar(1:2) bnds='-from '+string(bounds(1))+' -to '+string(bounds(2)) cmd='-command ""f'+blknb+' $w.frame.scale""' lab='-label ""'+titled+'""'; L='-length 100' I='-tickinterval '+string((bounds(2)-bounds(1))/4) scale=strcat(['scale $w.frame.scale -orient vertical',.. lab,bnds,cmd,L,I],' ') initial=mean(bounds) // initial value is the mean txt=['set w .vscale'+blknb; 'set y'+blknb+' 0'; 'catch {destroy $w}'; 'toplevel $w'; tit geom 'frame $w.frame -borderwidth 10'; 'pack $w.frame'; scale 'frame $w.frame.right -borderwidth 15'; 'pack $w.frame.scale -side left -anchor ne'; '$w.frame.scale set '+string(initial); 'proc f'+blknb+' {w height} {global y'+blknb+';set y'+blknb+' $height}' ]; TCL_EvalStr(txt) // call TCL interpretor to create widget block.outptr(1)=mean(block.rpar(1:2))/block.rpar(3); end elseif flag==1 then // evaluate output during simulation block.outptr(1)=evstr(TCL_GetVar('y'+blknb))/block.rpar(3); end endfunction ///\withPrompt{}