subroutine scifunc(mlhs,mrhs) c execute scilab function with mrhs input args and mlhs output c variables c input args are supposed to be stored in the top of the stack c at positions top-mrhs+1:top c function adress is given by the integer ptr in the common /scsptr/ c c Copyright INRIA include "../stack.h" integer ptr integer mlhs,mrhs logical allowptr C common /scsptr/ ptr c C macro execution C pt = pt + 1 if (pt .gt. psiz) then call error(26) goto 9999 endif ids(1,pt) = lhs ids(2,pt) = rhs rstk(pt) = 1001 lhs = mlhs rhs = mrhs niv = niv + 1 fun = 0 fin = ptr C icall = 5 krec = -1 include "../callinter.h" 200 lhs = ids(1,pt) rhs = ids(2,pt) pt = pt - 1 niv = niv - 1 return C+ 9999 continue if( then lhs=ids(1,pt) rhs=ids(2,pt) pt=pt-1 fun=0 endif iero=1 niv=niv-1 return end