subroutine invblk(flag,nevprt,t,xd,x,nx,z,nz,tvec,ntvec, & rpar,nrpar,ipar,nipar,u,nu,y,ny) c Copyright INRIA c Scicos block simulator c Outputs the inverse of the input c double precision t,xd(*),x(*),z(*),tvec(*),rpar(*),u(*),y(*) integer flag,nevprt,nx,nz,ntvec,nrpar,ipar(*) integer nipar,nu,ny double precision ww c if(flag.eq.6) then do 10 i=1,nu ww=u(i) if( then y(i)=1.0d0/ww endif 10 continue endif c if(flag.eq.1) then do 15 i=1,nu ww=u(i) if( then y(i)=1.0d0/ww else flag=-2 return endif 15 continue endif end