Computational routine


File content

   \file cmscope.c
   \author Benoit Bayol
   \version 1.0
   \date September 2006 - January 2007
   \brief CMSCOPE is a typical scope which links its input to the simulation time
   \see CMSCOPE.sci in macros/scicos_blocks/Sinks/

#include "scoMemoryScope.h"
#include "scoWindowScope.h"
#include "scoMisc.h"
#include "scoGetProperty.h"
#include "scoSetProperty.h"
#include "scicos_block4.h"

/** \fn cmscope_draw(scicos_block * block, ScopeMemory ** pScopeMemory, int firstdraw)
    \brief Function to draw or redraw the window
void cmscope_draw(scicos_block * block, ScopeMemory ** pScopeMemory, int firstdraw)
  int i; //As usual
  int * ipar; //Integer Parameters
  int * colors; //Colors
  int win; //Windows ID : To give a name to the window
  int buffer_size; //Buffer Size
  int win_pos[2]; //Position of the Window
  int win_dim[2]; //Dimension of the Window
  int inherited_events;
  int nipar;
  int dimension = 2;
  double * rpar; //Reals parameters
  double dt; //Time++
  double * period; //Refresh Period of the scope is a vector here
  double * ymin,* ymax; //Ymin and Ymax are vectors here
  double * xmin, *xmax;
  int nbr_period;
  int * number_of_curves_by_subwin;
  int number_of_subwin;
  int nbr_total_curves;
  char *label;

  /*Retrieving Parameters*/
  rpar = GetRparPtrs(block);
  ipar = GetIparPtrs(block);
  nipar = GetNipar(block);
  win = ipar[0];
  number_of_subwin = ipar[1];
  buffer_size = ipar[2];
  win_pos[0] = ipar[3];
  win_pos[1] = ipar[4];
  win_dim[0] = ipar[5];
  win_dim[1] = ipar[6];
  label = GetLabelPtrs(block);
  nbr_total_curves = 0;
  //Don't forget malloc for 'type *'
  number_of_curves_by_subwin = (int*)scicos_malloc(number_of_subwin*sizeof(int));
  for (i = 7; i < 7+number_of_subwin ; i++)
      number_of_curves_by_subwin[i-7] = ipar[i];
      nbr_total_curves = nbr_total_curves + ipar[i];
  colors = (int*)scicos_malloc(nbr_total_curves*sizeof(int));
  for(i = 0; i < nbr_total_curves ; i++)
      colors[i] = ipar[i+7+number_of_subwin];
  inherited_events = ipar[7+number_of_subwin+number_of_subwin];

  dt = rpar[0];

  nbr_period = 0;
  period = (double*)scicos_malloc(number_of_subwin*sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0 ; i < number_of_subwin ; i++)
      period[i] = rpar[i+1];
  ymin = (double*)scicos_malloc(number_of_subwin*sizeof(double));
  ymax = (double*)scicos_malloc(number_of_subwin*sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0 ; i < number_of_subwin ; i++)
      ymin[i] = rpar[2*i+nbr_period+1];
      ymax[i] = rpar[2*i+nbr_period+2];

  /*Allocating memory*/
  if(firstdraw == 1)

      scoInitScopeMemory(GetPtrWorkPtrs(block),pScopeMemory, number_of_subwin, number_of_curves_by_subwin);
      for(i = 0 ; i < number_of_subwin ; i++)
	  scoSetLongDrawSize(*pScopeMemory, i, 5000);

  /* Xmin and Xmax are calculated here because we need a variable which is only existing in the pScopeMemory. pScopeMemory is allocated just few lines before. Indeed in this TimeAmplitudeScope Xmin and Xmax have to change often. To be sure to redraw in the correct scale we have to calculate xmin and xmax thanks to the period_counter. If the window haven't to be redraw (recreate)  it wouldn't be necessary*/
  xmin = (double*)scicos_malloc(number_of_subwin*sizeof(double));
  xmax = (double*)scicos_malloc(number_of_subwin*sizeof(double));
  for (i = 0 ; i < number_of_subwin ; i++)
      xmin[i] = period[i]*(scoGetPeriodCounter(*pScopeMemory,i));
      xmax[i] = period[i]*(scoGetPeriodCounter(*pScopeMemory,i)+1);

  /*Creating the Scope*/
  scoInitOfWindow(*pScopeMemory, dimension, win, win_pos, win_dim, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, NULL, NULL);
  if(scoGetScopeActivation(*pScopeMemory) == 1)

  /*Add a couple of polyline : one for the shortdraw and one for the longdraw*/
  /* 	scoAddPolylineLineStyle(*pScopeMemory,colors); */

/** \fn void cmscope(scicos_block * block, int flag)
    \brief the computational function
    \param block A pointer to a scicos_block
    \param flag An integer which indicates the state of the block (init, update, ending)
void cmscope(scicos_block * block, int flag)
  void **_work=GetPtrWorkPtrs(block);
  /* Declarations */
  ScopeMemory * pScopeMemory;
  int NbrPtsShort;
  double * u1;
  double t; //GetScicosTime(block)
  scoGraphicalObject pShortDraw;
  int i,j;
  int **user_data_ptr,*size_ptr;

  /* Initializations and Allocations*/
  //Allocations are done here because there are dependent of some values presents below
  /* State Machine Control */
    case Initialization:
	break; //Break of the switch condition don t forget it
      } //End of Initialization
    case StateUpdate:
	/*Retreiving Scope in the _work*/
	if(scoGetPointerScopeWindow(pScopeMemory) == NULL) return;
	if(scoGetScopeActivation(pScopeMemory) == 1)
	    /* Charging Elements */
	    t = GetScicosTime(block);
	    /* If window has been destroyed we recreate it */


	    //Here we are calculating the points in the polylines
	    for (i = 0 ; i < scoGetNumberOfSubwin(pScopeMemory) ; i++)
		u1 = GetRealInPortPtrs(block,i+1);
		pShortDraw = scoGetPointerShortDraw(pScopeMemory,i,0);
		NbrPtsShort = pPOLYLINE_FEATURE(pShortDraw)->n1;
		for (j = 0; j < scoGetNumberOfCurvesBySubwin(pScopeMemory,i) ; j++)
		    pShortDraw = scoGetPointerShortDraw(pScopeMemory,i,j);
		    pPOLYLINE_FEATURE(pShortDraw)->pvx[NbrPtsShort] = t;
		    pPOLYLINE_FEATURE(pShortDraw)->pvy[NbrPtsShort] = u1[j];

	    scoDrawScopeAmplitudeTimeStyle(pScopeMemory, t);

	    //Break of the switch don t forget it !
	  }//End of stateupdate
	//This case is activated when the simulation is done or when we close scicos
    case Ending:
        scoRetrieveScopeMemory(_work, &pScopeMemory);
        if(scoGetScopeActivation(pScopeMemory) == 1) {
          if(scoGetPointerScopeWindow(pScopeMemory) != NULL) {
            pShortDraw = sciGetCurrentFigure();
            sciGetPointerToUserData (pShortDraw,&user_data_ptr, &size_ptr);
            *size_ptr = 0;
        scoFreeScopeMemory(_work, &pScopeMemory);
