This function allows to call a computational function from a Scicos block
structure. The fields of that structure must be properly informed before use it with callblk.
A simplified flowchart of how work callblk is shown in the following figure:
From the input structure blk_in, a C scicos_blocks structure is allocated and informed, the pointer
of the comptational function is found, and the computational function is then called with the C structure
and the parameter flag. Finally an output scilab structure blk_out is created with the values
contained in the C structure.
callblk can be used to do prototypes of code generator and simulator in Scilab language.
//Use of scope of fibo.cosf in Scilab //15/07/08, AL load SCI/macros/scicos/lib; exec('SCI/demos/scicos/fibo.cosf',-1); [ierr,scicos_ver,scs_m]=update_version(scs_m); omod=scs_m.objs(10).model; //scope is the obj(10); //update in (because -1) bl=model2blk(omod); //get a computational blk struct // init bl=callblk(bl,4,0); // run Tfin=120; for i=0:1:Tfin*100 t=i/100; //update regular input bl.inptr(1)=0.55+cos(2*%pi/(15)*t)/10; bl=callblk(bl,2,t); //calblk with flag=2 end // finish bl=callblk(bl,5,t);