function add_palette(Title,path) //## Add a palette to the end of the list of the scicos palette. //## If the palette exists with same Title and same path //## noting is done. If a palette with same name but //## different path exist then the palette is added //## with a suffixe (x) //## Note that scicos_pal variable is locally recreated //## and passed to the upper environnement via //## scicos_pal=resume(scicos_pal) //## //## Inputs : //## Title : the title of the palette //## path : the path + name of the cos or cosf file //## that contains the palette if exists('scicos_pal') then scicos_pal=scicos_pal else scicos_pal=[] end path=pathconvert(path,%f,%t) if fileinfo(path)==[] then error('File: '+path+' do not exist') end if or(fileparts(path,'extension')==['.cos','.cosf']) then //############################ k=find(scicos_pal(:,1)==Title) if k==[] then scicos_pal=[scicos_pal;Title,path] else //## if a palette with same title exist k1=find(scicos_pal(k,2)==path) if k1==[] then //## not the same path indt=1; while (find(scicos_pal(:,1)==Title+' ('+string(indt)+')')<>[]) then indt=indt+1 end kk=find(scicos_pal(:,1)==Title+' ('+string(indt-1)+')') kk1=find(scicos_pal(kk,2)==path) if kk1==[] then scicos_pal=[scicos_pal;Title+' ('+string(indt)+')',path] end end end //############################ scicos_pal=resume(scicos_pal) else error('Second argument should be a path to a .cos or .cosf file.') end endfunction