function [x,y,typ]=MAXMIN(job,arg1,arg2) x=[];y=[];typ=[] select job case 'plot' then if arg1.model.ipar==1 then CCC='MIN' elseif arg1.model.ipar==2 CCC='MAX' else CCC='Min/Max' end standard_draw(arg1) case 'getinputs' then [x,y,typ]=standard_inputs(arg1) case 'getoutputs' then [x,y,typ]=standard_outputs(arg1) case 'getorigin' then [x,y]=standard_origin(arg1) case 'set' then x=arg1;;exprs=graphics.exprs model=arg1.model; while %t do [ok,mm,nin,zcr,exprs]=.. getvalue('Set Max/Min block parameters',.. ['Min (1) or Max (2) ';'Number of input vectors (1 or 2)';'Zero-crossing (1: yes, 0;no)'],.. list('vec',1,'vec',1,'vec',1),exprs) if ~ok then break,end if zcr<>0 then zcr=-1, end if mm<>1 then mm=2,end if nin<>1 & nin<>2 then message('Wrong number of inputs, only 1 and 2 allowed') ok=%f end if ok then if nin==1 then [model,graphics,ok]=check_io(model,graphics,-1,1,[],[]) else [model,graphics,ok]=check_io(model,graphics,[-1,-1],-1,[],[]) end end if ok then model.nzcross=zcr; if nin==1 then model.nmode=abs(zcr); else model.nmode=zcr end model.ipar=mm; graphics.exprs=exprs;;x.model=model; break end end case 'define' then model=scicos_model() model.sim=list('minmax',4) model.out=1 model.blocktype='c' model.dep_ut=[%t %f] model.ipar=0; exprs=[string([2,1,1]')] gr_i=['txt=[CCC];'; 'xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),txt,sz(1),sz(2),''fill'')'] x=standard_define([2 2],model,exprs,gr_i) end endfunction