Scicos Block
fr - eng

Index-1 DAE block




The Algebraic-differential Constraint block constrains the input signal f(x',x) to zero and outputs an algebraic state x and a derivative of the state x'. The block outputs the value necessary to produce a zero at the input. The output must affect the input through some direct feedback path, i.e., the feedback path should only contains blocks with direct feedthrough (without internal states). This enables the user to specify equations for fully implicit index-1 differential/algebraic systems (DAEs), i.e., F(x',x)=0.
By default, the initial values of the state vector and the derivative of the state vector which is used as initial guess values are zero. If the solver cannot converge towards the solution at the beginning of the integration, the user can help the solver by providing an initial guess that is close to the solution value. If f(x',x) has several solutions, the initial guess helps the solver to select the desired solution.

Dialog box


Default properties

Interfacing function

Computational function

See also


Masoud Najafi INRIA