function [x,y,typ]=CANIMXY3D(job,arg1,arg2) //Scicos 3D animated visualization block // Copyright INRIA x=[];y=[];typ=[] select job case 'plot' then standard_draw(arg1) case 'getinputs' then [x,y,typ]=standard_inputs(arg1) case 'getoutputs' then x=[];y=[];typ=[]; case 'getorigin' then [x,y]=standard_origin(arg1) case 'set' then x=arg1;;exprs=graphics.exprs model=arg1.model; while %t do [ok,nbr_curves,clrs,siz,win,wpos,wdim,vec_x,vec_y,vec_z,param3ds,N,exprs]=getvalue(.. 'Set Scope parameters',.. ['Number of curves'; 'Color (>0) or mark (<0)'; 'Line or mark size'; 'Output window number (-1 for automatic)'; 'Output window position'; 'Output window sizes'; 'Xmin and Xmax'; 'Ymin and Ymax'; 'Zmin and Zmax'; 'Alpha and Theta'; 'Buffer size'],.. list('vec',1,'vec',-1,'vec',-1,'vec',1,'vec',-1,'vec',-1,'vec',-1,'vec',-1,'vec',-1,'vec',-1,'vec',1),exprs) if ~ok then break,end //user cancel modification mess=[] if size(wpos,'*')<>0 &size(wpos,'*')<>2 then mess=[mess;'Window position must be [] or a 2 vector';' '] ok=%f end if size(wdim,'*')<>0 &size(wdim,'*')<>2 then mess=[mess;'Window dim must be [] or a 2 vector';' '] ok=%f end if win<-1 then mess=[mess;'Window number cannot be inferior than -1';' '] ok=%f end if size(clrs,'*')<>size(siz,'*') then mess=[mess;'Colors and Size must have same size';' '] ok=%f end if nbr_curves<=0 then mess=[mess;'Number of curves cannot be negative or null';' '] ok=%f end if size(clrs,'*')<nbr_curves then mess=[mess;'You must have at least same size for clrs and the number of curves';' '] ok=%f end if N<1 then mess=[mess;'Buffer size must be at least 1';' '] ok=%f end if N<2 for i=1:nbr_curves if clrs(i)>0 then mess=[mess;'Buffer size must be at least 2 or Change a color (must be <0)';' '] ok=%f end end end if vec_y(1)>=vec_y(2) then mess=[mess;'Ymax must be higher than Ymin';' '] ok=%f end if vec_x(1)>=vec_x(2) then mess=[mess;'Xmax must be higher than Xmin';' '] ok=%f end if vec_z(1)>=vec_z(2) then mess=[mess;'Zmax must be higher than Zmin';' '] ok=%f end if ~ok then message(mess) else in = nbr_curves*ones(3,1); in2 = ones(3,1); [model,graphics,ok]=set_io(model,graphics,list([in in2],ones(3,1)),list(),ones(1,1),[]); if wpos==[] then wpos=[-1;-1];end if wdim==[] then wdim=[-1;-1];end rpar=[vec_x(:);vec_y(:);vec_z(:);param3ds(:)] size_siz = size(siz,'*'); ipar=[win;size_siz;N;clrs(:);siz(:);1;wpos(:);wdim(:);nbr_curves] model.rpar=rpar; model.ipar=ipar graphics.exprs=exprs;; x.model=model break end end case 'define' then win=-1; N=2; clrs = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;13] siz = [1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1] wpos=[-1;-1];wdim=[-1;-1]; param3ds=[50;280] vec_x = [-15;15] vec_y = [-15;15] vec_z = [-15;15] nbr_curves = 1; model=scicos_model() model.sim=list('canimxy3d',4)[1;1;1] model.evtin=1 model.in2=[1;1;1] model.intyp=[1;1;1] model.rpar=[vec_x(:);vec_y(:);vec_z(:);param3ds(:)] model.ipar=[win;8;N;clrs(:);siz(:);8;wpos(:);wdim(:);nbr_curves] model.blocktype='d' model.firing=[] model.dep_ut=[%t %f] exprs=[string(nbr_curves); strcat(string(clrs),' '); strcat(string(siz),' '); string(win); '[]'; '[]'; strcat(string(vec_x),' '); strcat(string(vec_y),' '); strcat(string(vec_z),' '); strcat(string(param3ds),' '); string(N)] gr_i=['thick=xget(''thickness'');xset(''thickness'',2);'; 't=(0:0.3:2*%pi)'';'; 'xx=orig(1)+(1/5+(cos(2.2*t)+1)*3/10)*sz(1);'; 'yy=orig(2)+(1/4.3+(sin(t)+1)*3/10)*sz(2);'; 'xpoly(xx,yy,''lines'');' 'xset(''thickness'',thick);'] x=standard_define([2 2],model,exprs,gr_i) end endfunction