function [x,y,typ]=BITSET(job,arg1,arg2) x=[];y=[];typ=[] select job case 'plot' then OPER=string( standard_draw(arg1) case 'getinputs' then [x,y,typ]=standard_inputs(arg1) case 'getoutputs' then [x,y,typ]=standard_outputs(arg1) case 'getorigin' then [x,y]=standard_origin(arg1) case 'set' then x=arg1;;exprs=graphics.exprs model=arg1.model; while %t do [ok,Datatype,bit,exprs]=getvalue('Set parameters',.. ['Datatype(3=int32 4=int16 5=int8 ...)';.. 'Index of bit (0 is leat significant)'],.. list('vec',1,'vec',1),exprs) if ~ok then break,end in=[ model.in2]; if (bit<0) then message('Incorrect index '+string(bit)+' ; must be >0.');ok=%f; end if floor(bit)<>bit then message("index of bit must be integer");ok=%f;end if (Datatype==3)|(Datatype==6) then if bit > 31 then message ('Incorrect index '+string(bit)+' ; must be <32.');ok=%f; end bit=uint32(bit) n=2^bit; n=uint32(n) model.sim=list('bit_set_32',4) elseif (Datatype==4)|(Datatype==7) then if bit > 15 then message ('Incorrect index '+string(bit)+' ; must be <16.');ok=%f; end bit=uint16(bit) n=2^bit; n=uint16(n) model.sim=list('bit_set_16',4) elseif (Datatype==5)|(Datatype==8) then if bit > 7 then message ('Incorrect index '+string(bit)+' ; must be <8.');ok=%f; end bit=uint8(bit) n=2^bit; n=uint8(n) model.sim=list('bit_set_8',4) else message ('Datatype '+string(Datatype)+' is not supported ; It must be 3 to 8');ok=%f; end if ok then it=Datatype ot=Datatype out=[1 1] [model,graphics,ok]=set_io(model,graphics,list(in,it),list(out,ot),[],[]) end if ok then graphics.exprs=exprs; model.opar=list(n);;x.model=model; break end end case 'define' then model=scicos_model() model.sim=list('bit_set_32',4) model.in2=1 model.out=1 model.out2=1; model.intyp=3 model.outtyp=3 model.opar=list(uint32(0)) model.blocktype='c' model.dep_ut=[%t %f] exprs=[sci2exp(3);sci2exp(0)] gr_i=['xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),['' Set'';''bit: ''+OPER],sz(1),sz(2),''fill'');'] x=standard_define([2 2],model,exprs,gr_i) end endfunction