function [x,y,typ]=AFFICH_f(job,arg1,arg2) // Copyright INRIA //** 22 Aug 2006: looking for a nasty "font" bugs x=[];y=[];typ=[] select job case 'plot' then ipar = arg1.model.ipar standard_draw(arg1) case 'getinputs' then [x,y,typ]=standard_inputs(arg1) case 'getoutputs' then x=[];y=[];typ=[]; case 'getorigin' then [x,y]=standard_origin(arg1) case 'set' then x = arg1; graphics =; exprs = graphics.exprs model = arg1.model; if size(exprs,'*')==5 then exprs(6)='0';end //compatibility if size(exprs,'*')==4 then exprs(4)=' ';exprs(5)=' ';end //compatibility if size(model.dstate,'*')<>6 then model.dstate=[0;-1;0;0;1;1];end //compatibility while %t do [ok,font,fontsize,colr,nt,nd,herit,exprs]=getvalue(.. 'Set parameters',.. ['Font number'; 'Font size'; 'Color'; 'Total number of digits'; 'Number of rational part digits'; 'Block inherits (1) or not (0)'],.. list('vec',1,'vec',1,'vec',1,'vec',1,'vec',1,'vec',1),exprs) if ~ok then break,end //user cancel modification //** ------------------------ Error checking ---------------------------------- mess = [] ; //** no message if font<=0 then mess=[mess;'Font number must be positive';' '] ok=%f end if fontsize<=0 then mess=[mess;'Font size must be positive';' '] ok=%f end if nt<=3 then mess=[mess;'Total number of digits must be greater than 3';' '] ok=%f end if nd<0 then mess=[mess;'Number of rational part digits must be ' 'greater or equal 0';' '] ok=%f end if ~ok then message(['Some specified values are inconsistent:'; ' ';mess]); end if ~or(herit==[0 1]) then mess=[mess;'Accept inherited values are 0 and 1';' '] ok=%f end if ~ok then message(['Some specified values are inconsistent:'; ' ';mess]) end //**--------------------------------------------------------------------- //** Positive case -> if ok then [model,graphics,ok]=check_io(model,graphics,1,[],ones(1-herit,1),[]) end if ok then model.ipar=[font;fontsize;colr;xget('window');nt;nd]; model.evtin=ones(1-herit,1) graphics.exprs=exprs;;x.model=model break end end case 'define' then font = 1 ; //** 1 --> greek font fontsize = 1 ; //** 1 colr = 1 ; nt = 9 ; nd = 2 ; exprs = [ string(font); string(fontsize); string(colr); string(nt); string(nd); string(0) ] model = scicos_model(); model.sim = 'affich' ; = 1 ; model.evtin = 1 ; model.dstate = [0;-1;0;0;1;1] model.ipar = [font;fontsize;colr;1000;nt;nd] model.blocktype = 'c' ; model.firing = [] ; model.dep_ut = [%t %f] model.label = '' ; gr_i=['xset(''font'',ipar(1),ipar(2))'; 'str='' ''+part(''0'',ones(1,ipar(5)-ipar(6)-2))+''.''+part(''0'',ones(1,ipar(6)))' 'rr=xstringl(orig(1),orig(2),str)' 'xstring(orig(1)+max(0,(sz(1)-rr(3))/2),orig(2)+max(0,(sz(2)-rr(4))/2),str)'] // disp("AFFICH_f gr_i"); pause ; //** debug only x = standard_define([3 2],model,exprs,gr_i) end endfunction